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Friday, February 28, 2014

ASCA workshop for survivors

Hi all,
Last weekend my hubby and I went to a workshop for survivors of child abuse put on by ASCA (Adults Surviving Child Abuse).
It was an educational session not a therapy session but it was fantastic. We learnt so much about the brain and how by being abused while being young effects the actual development of the brain. Our fight/ flight part of our brain becomes over active where other parts are underdeveloped.
The great news is that we can fix it. Our brains do not stay stuck in cement but are a living growing and changing organ!  It is a long hard journey but it is possible.

Anyone who has suffered Childhood abuse will most likely need therapy for Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  ASCA has a list of therapists on their web page.

I recommend that you check out their website for some great information too.


It was great to meet with other survivors too, we are not alone!
I stand by you all and will keep up the fight for our rights for justice and our rights to healing and thriving.


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