Well it has been interesting over the last few months as a survivor of Childhood sexual abuse. It is certainly in your face here in Australia. The Daniel Morcombe case, where after the killers conviction it comes out that he had already left a child for dead (fortunately the child survived, but that now means a life time of suffering!) He has also molested other children. For some reason those issues could not be brought up in the court for the Daniel Morcombe trial. That begs the question that if the perpetrator was properly convicted earlier would Daniel still be alive? http://www.danielmorcombe.com.au/
There is now the Robert Hughes case on trial http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/hey-dad-star-robert-hughes-in-court/story-e6frg6nf-1226564059056, the Rolf Harris case on trial http://www.smh.com.au/world/rolf-harris-pleads-not-guilty-to-sexual-assault-charges-20140115-hv8ha.html and the Royal Commission into Childhood sexual abuse in institutions. So when ever you turn the news on it's in your face!!
In some ways though the focus is mainly on the perpetrator and the facts, it does not describe the great suffering of a survivor.
* The horrible nightmares every night
*The fight/flight triggers that happen every time it is on the news or when there is a smell, sound or a sight that reminds you of the perpetrator/events
*The high levels of anxiety, heart racing, feeling like you can't breath
* The depression, feeling so low and in so much emotional pain that you would prefer to kill yourself so you don't have to feel anymore.
*Listening to people tell you to just get over it and forgive and move on when your body keeps breaking down in pain and anxiety that you have no control over, like feeling the perpetrators hands on you.
*Living with the fact that nobody believed you when you were a child or if they did, they didn't protect you, that sticks through your adult life. You feel worthless and powerless.
Of course it is individual so this is just a few things that can bother a survivor on a daily basis.
I myself tried to put my perpetrator through the legal system. Two people admitted to the police that something happened but refused to make a statement , both were Christians. The perpetrator took his solicitor and refused to answer questions(Also a Christian).It was all over just like that, not enough hard evidence to take it to court. The policeman involved told me that he was sure the perpetrator was guilty but there was nothing he could do about it.
Why can people tell the police that something happened but then refuse to make a statement?
Why can someone just refuse to answer questions and just get away with it?
We are not allowed to name perpetrators publicly, so they are protected. Where is the justice for the survivor, where is the protection for the survivor?
Things definitely need to change!
Please if you are a survivor seek help don't go it alone, about 1 third of the population is suffering too. Check in with ASCA http://asca.org.au/home.aspx Or call a counsellor or Life Line on 13 11 14 https://www.lifeline.org.au/
If you want to do something to have your say then you can sign Derryn Hinch's petition to have a public sex offenders list.
Remember to do something nice for yourself because you deserve it.
Wishing you Love, Light and Healing,
Margie Thomas
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