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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

ASCA to educate GPs.

 Hi all I was just checking something on the ASCA website and discovered this article about GPs being in the front line as help for Survivors of child abuse. Here is a link...


As I have shared before with you that I have had trouble in the past with GPs understanding of Post traumatic Stress from Childhood abuse.  There still needs to be education for GPs to help them out.

I have worked hard with mine and she has come a long way and is now a vital part of my support, which I am very grateful for.

I really hope ASCA gets some information across as it will help so many people.

As you probably already know a survivor is more likely to suffer mental illness and physical illness from the trauma, so we tend to need health care professionals a lot! If they can be more understanding it certainly helps with the healing process.

Sending light and love your way,
Margie Thomas

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