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Monday, May 2, 2011



The beginning I guess.

Maybe it’s because of a stroke of madness or something else that put the idea of writing a book into my head. Well because of no money here it is in Blog form.

I am in my 40’s now, remarried and have 3 kids but it took a long journey to get here and I am sure the journey is far from finished unless someone from above has other ideas that is! I will come straight out with it; yes I am a survivor of Child Sexual Abuse. Some of you will say “not another one” others will say “Never heard of it” Well I guess this blog is written for both.

I will not go into the gory details, as I do not like to focus on the negative stuff because it doesn’t deserve it. Don’t worry I will explain more of that later. I will also talk about depression, as it has been a large part of my life.

Creativity has been a great lifesaver for me and so you will see some of my art works and poetry throughout the blog too.(Don't worry I am not claiming to be a Margaret Preston, Just someone who likes to be creative)

I am hoping that if nothing else it will help people to realize that being a survivor of child sexual abuse doesn’t mean that you have to remain so called “damaged” for the rest of your life and that you are not alone because unfortunately about one quarter of the population has suffered the same misfortune. (I personally think that the statistics are higher, as many people never disclose)

So make yourself a cup of tea (I find it helps) and sit back and have a read.

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