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Monday, May 2, 2011

This was written after going to a Poetry Slam!

The duel of the wordsmiths

A room up high with no view

Rustling of paper and pen

The smell of anticipation

Wafting through the air.

Eyes wondering from pages to faces

Words going back and forth

They’re going through their paces

As they practice in their heads

Hands nervously above their holsters

Filled with their weapons of words

The count down begins…..

“Remember you only have 3 minutes”

It starts and I take cover

Afraid of being hit by

An array of strange words

With meanings unknown to me

I pretend I understand

My hands join in with the applause

Hoping like mad I don’t clap during a pause

Trying hard not to look too bored.

Then just when I wasn’t prepared

A word came out of the blue

It struck me right through my heart

Feelings oozing from the wound

My GOD! Hit by a stray word!

Caught in the middle of a battle

Slayed by an accidental blow

At the duel of the wordsmiths.

By Margie Thomas 13/09/06

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