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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Victim blaming...still!

It seems to be happening all over the world. Victims of Child sexual abuse are shamed into saying nothing or not believed if they do tell.

We seem to have a culture of "Sweep it under the carpet" as I have found myself on my own journey.  Most people just don't want to know and the system doesn't support the victims very well at all.

Below is a link to another survivor who told her story. She is Pakistani who was raised in England.  I feel for her and all the survivors who have been shamed through the system.


Isn't it time to STOP blaming the victim and to START putting the blame on the perpetrator no matter their standing in the community, no matter how many crocodile tears or lies they tell. The Perpetrator is 100% to blame, the buck stops with them!

Come on it's time to change our culture of ignorance to the detriment of many people who suffer for the rest of their lives because of sick individuals who are protected!

Keep speaking out, tell your stories. I saw on a program recently that it takes a child 3 times to tell before someone listens. Once should be enough!

Lets stand up for our Survivors/ Victims and ask those in authority for a much better process of justice!

As she writes at the end of her article
In the words of Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing.” Let’s not be those people."

Light and courage for your journey,
Margie Thomas

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