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Monday, May 2, 2011

The Washing Monster Poem

The washing monster

Exasperated she let out a sigh.

She watched in horror as it slowly crept out from under the beds,

From on the floor and worked its way into a pile by the laundry door!

It sat there looking at her with that smirk of power.

“I can beat this” she thought “It will not take me!”

I will break it up into little pieces and kill it small pile by small pile.

She rubbed her hands together with an almost insane look in her eyes.

It still looked at her with that sickening smirk.

She pulled up her sleeves gave a scream and ran towards it!

She broke it into smaller pieces, into many little piles.

It did not ease much of the fear though.

I must be smarter she thought

I will win this battle, I will!

Just then the dog ran in, sniffed the monster and played with it.

In just a split second it had regrouped into one big pile again!

Arrggh she cried!

She kicked the dog out and muttered something about “so called man’s best friend!”

She had had enough!

She jumped on it wrestling with it,

She was soaked in sweat but at last it was broken down into small piles again.

I must drown it, small pile by small pile, and she did.

After each drowning she hung them on the line as a show of strength, to warn others who walked by that she was not one to mess with.

It took hours but there it was a clean floor.

The monster was gone!

She sat back with a celebrational cup of tea,

Lulling herself into a false sense of security.

Because you cannot fight this monster and win.

It came from under the beds, from the dirty clothes baskets,

And the clean ones too!

She got up to gloat over her victory....

She screamed in terror!

There it was again that monster with that powerful smirk!

“F**k this” she said “I’m going shopping!”

By Margie Thomas


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